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I quite like the game, the truth looks quite entertaining, once you solve the bug problem to duplicate and that when you die everything you built or planted is reset, but the truth is entertained and it looks like a very good project

Yeah figures out controls plz continue the project and build upon it

Glad you enjoyed it!

I am still working on the game and rebuilt it from scratch a while ago. I am in a bit of motivation slump but hearing you enjoyed the old version is very encouraging!

I have found a bug with storage which makes a infinite items glitch

Love the game but I can't seem to get the controls to work on keyboard

I kind of want to see where this will go.  Will you be updating it? 

Yea. I restarted work on this and sorta rebuilt a lot of stuff so it's taking a while to catch up to the old build. 

I'm sorry for the late reply, but I'm happy to hear that. Do you have a bluesky account I can follow to keep up with updates?

That's a great idea, this is my bluesky account and I'll start posting some devlog there.

(I don't know why... but we call this game with friends "Dragon Nova").

Хорошая игрушка, хотелось бы что-то автор улучшал это творение.

Была бы эта игра в Steam - я бы купил.

Hello, I've been remaking the game from scratch. Sadly progress was slow but I should be able to  work on it more starting next year! 
Hearing someone likes the game greatly motivates me and brings me hope for the next year


Deleted 1 year ago

Rune Factory was one of my main influences to start on this project; I started during the time between Rune Factory 4 and before the announcement of Rune Factory 5

will this game get updated again?

Maybe in the future, but not for now at least.

Cute idea for the game. One bug I encountered why playing is that the first time I came back late and was given a turnip all the crops I was growing disappeared and the starter tools respawned in their place.

Thanks! I'll look it, sounds like the save data messing up orz